Drug & Alcohol Testing
- Affordable and convenient source of employee health care compared to emergency rooms or family practice clinics
Introducing a Valuable Partnership

eScreen is a technology-enabled Third-Party Administrator (TPA) that provides next-generation employment screening applications for hiring and maintaining healthy and drug-free workforces.
Testing Services
1DOT urine drug screens (lab-based)
2Non-DOT urine drug screens (lab-based)
3Rapid Drug Testing (immediate)
4Alcohol breath testing
5Alcohol saliva testing
6Hair Testing for Drugs

They put their patients needs first.
I’ve been there both with my company and on a personal level. The care
and attention doesn’t change from one case.
Tara G. /

Wait times are faster than other places.
Excellent service. awesome staff. I have been there a few times with my kids.
Highly professional and very helpful.
Jonathan E. /

We confidently send new hires and employees
for drug screens and workers comp injuries. We know they’ll be evaluated and cared for properly.
Prompt delivery of results
gives us the insight we need to make informed decisions with our employees.
Michelle F. /

Valued Client Partners